How to Integrate OBIEE 11G with SIEBEL CRM | The Big Data - Business Intelligence by Sandeep Venu

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How to Integrate OBIEE 11G with SIEBEL CRM


This is intended for anyone that needs to embed an OBIEE 11g dashboard in Siebel 8.  At a high level, you will need to:
  1. Congifure the Siebel Screen
  2. Modify the instanceconfig.xml obiee config file to enable iframe support.
  3. Modify the web.xml obiee config file to enable iframe support.
  4. Restart the OBIEE Components.
  5. Create the Host record in Siebel.
  6. Create the Symbolic URL record in Siebel.
  7. View the OBIEE dashboard in Siebel.
 Step details and screenprints below... 


Configure the Siebel Screen

Add a new Siebel Screen/View/Applet.   Look at the oob Sales Dashboard View (and the Screen/applet it's related to).   Use these as guidelines to configure your new siebel screen/view/applet.  You can use the same Analytics SSObusiness component, but you will need to add a new calculated field.  In this example, the calculated fields value is'CustomSalesDashboard' (with the single quotes).   This will need to be the same value you use as the name of the Symbolic URL record you add in the step below.   Compile and restart the Siebel App.

Modify Instanceconfig.xml

Locate the instanceconfig.xml file at the location:

Update the instanceconfig.xml file to add the highlighted entry within the "security" tag.  Possible values are 'allow', 'prohibit' and 'sameDomainOnly':

Modify Web.xml

Edit the web.xml file at the following location:
Add the following highlighted entry to the file.  The syntax is the opposite of what the syntax for instanceconfig.xml is, since the 'never' means to never block the rendering within IFrame.  You can choose 'never' to always allow rendering in the IFrame, or 'differentDomain' to only allow rendering if it is in the same domain.  



Restart OBIEE System Components

Now that you've completed both steps, restart the OBIEE System Components using opmnctl (Stop opmnctl and Start opmnctl).  If you need to find this, you'll find it in your start menu on the server under the 'Oracle Business Intelligence' folder, called 'Stop BI Services' and 'Start BI Services' respectively.

Create the Host record in Siebel


Create the Symbolic URL record in Siebel


View the OBIEE Dashboard in Siebel


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